In 2018, M&M Family Acres embarked on a new venture, M&M Equipment Inc., after securing an exclusive distribution agreement with ELHO during a strategic trip to Finland. ELHO, a family-owned business established in 1968, is renowned for its heavy-duty farm equipment and innovative engineering. With M&M Equipment Inc., we became the pioneers in distributing ELHO products across North America, marking a significant milestone in our expansion.
We offer several models, including the Scorpio 430, 550, 710, and the 550SF. These stone pickers are recognized globally for their efficiency and reliability, setting the gold standard in stone picking.
Our lineup includes the Model 470 and 560 mulchers, which are 3-point hitch mounted and PTO driven, ideal for cutting brush, saplings, and long, tough grass. These machines are yet another testament to ELHO's commitment to quality and effectiveness.
At M&M Equipment Inc., we are thrilled to partner with ELHO, a leader in agricultural equipment. This partnership reflects our dedication to providing top-quality products and supporting the agricultural community with innovative solutions. We are committed to meeting the needs of our customers and ensuring that they have access to the best equipment available.
We look forward to continuing our journey with ELHO and our dealers, enhancing the agricultural practices of our customers, and ensuring a local presence for reliable support and service.
Visit M&M Equipment's website today for more information and to find a local dealer near you.
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